AMMO is coming to town 2023 seminars to cover herbicide use, taxes and the markets
2023February 2023
By Trista Crossley
The Agricultural Marketing and Management Organization (AMMO) is back, with a 2023 calendar that includes seminars on herbicides, taxes and the markets.
“We are excited to be fully back to in-person seminars this year. I think many people are tired of webinars and are looking for opportunities to get away from the computer,” said KayDee Gilkey, outreach coordinator for the Washington Association of Wheat Growers (WAWG). “We’ll be holding seminars across Eastern Washington, from Ritzville to Spokane to Walla Walla. Farmers can spend the morning learning something and networking, enjoy a nice meal, and then have the rest of the day free.”
All 2023 seminars will start at 10 a.m. and include a lunch. Seminars (and lunch) are free to WAWG members; nonmembers pay $25 per session. The seminars kick off Feb. 16 with a session in Ritzville on herbicide use featuring Jerry Ellis of Envu. Two pesticide credits will be offered.
The popular Wheat College, also part of the AMMO offerings, is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6, at the Palouse Empire Fairgrounds in Colfax, Wash. Wheat College will offer a mix of indoor and outdoor presentations, providing interactive demonstrations on the latest agronomic research being conducted in the Pacific Northwest. Besides a keynote speaker, personnel from WSU Extension will provide localized presentations. Pesticide credits will be offered, and registration reminders will be mailed prior to the event to WAWG members. Admittance is free of charge to both WAWG members and nonmembers.
“Wheat College is one of our most popular offerings, and it works best as a hands-on, in-person event,” Gilkey said. “Our goal is to bring growers practical information from the experts that they can take back to their farms and implement.”
Preregistration for all seminars will be required. More information is available at as well as a registration link. Growers can also call the WAWG office at (509) 659-0610 to register. AMMO has offered grower education programs since 2009. It provides education opportunities and an avenue for growers to connect with professionals and experts on many of the challenges facing agriculture.
Herbicide Mixing and Spraying and What is the Right Herbicide Mix for Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds, Feb. 16 in Ritzville. Jerry Ellis of Envu will be discussing how to mix your herbicides correctly using the WALES method to make the herbicides work the best. He will share tips on pH and water conditioning that affect the way herbicides work. He will also discuss types of nozzles to use to prevent drift. The second hour will include discussion about controlling weeds in Conservation Reserve Program ground with the following herbicides with the correct rates: Escort, Telar, Rejuvra, Opensight, Milestone, High Noon and Transline. Two pesticide credits will be offered for attending this session.
Taxes and Business Update, Feb. 17, in Walla Walla. Ryan Janke, CPA, is a shareholder with Leffel, Otis & Warwick specializing as a trusted business advisor with an emphasis on proactive income taxation and accounting services for farm and ranch businesses. This session will provide an update on changes to income and estate tax strategies moving into 2023. Being aware of these changes is important for your operation’s bottom line. Learn how new or potential regulations will impact you.
Marketing Wheat in Volatile Times, with United Grain Corporation’s Rob Froom, Feb. 23 in Colfax. Learn more about the global wheat market outlook as supply and demand moves back and forth, the impact of the Ukrainian war, and how the strength of the U.S. dollar affects trade.
Wheat Market Outlook, Feb. 28 in Spokane. In a volatile market, marketing strategies are essential to managing your risk. In this session, we will look at market behaviors, price dynamics and market opportunities. Dr. Randy Fortenbery is a professor, Thomas B. Mick Endowed Chair, at Washington State University. His research focuses on agricultural price performance in local and national markets.
What Lies Ahead: An update from NRCS and FSA, March 9 in Spokane and March 10 in Pasco. Join the Farm Service Agency and the Natural Resources Conservation Service for an informative session on what is new for 2023. Become aware of program changes, deadlines and new opportunities for your operation. Wheat growers utilize key programs in everyday operations. This session will keep you in the loop and your operation moving forward.
Wheat College, June 6, at the Palouse Empire Fairgrounds in Colfax, Wash. More details will be announced.